Wednesday, January 20, 2021

SMJ: Mondrian Art

 Hello Bloggers!

This task was supposed to be posted yesterday ( I think), but i decided to do it today because I was really lazy to do it. I don't know why for me it is starting to get really lazy to do SMJ, but I have this friend who is competing to me, he is asking how much comment have you done on SMJ and i'm like " Why?" but I still ddn't say it.

And he does sometimes made me feel down saying " You won't win SMJ" I'm like what the heck SMJ is not about whos the winner is about having fun, and sharing, well thats what he thinks we can't stop him.

So this task is about Mondrian Art! Mondrian Art is a diffrerent shapes that are coloured in. It was fun doing this,  because when I was just small kid like around 5 or 7 year old I use to love art so much even now. The Hard part about making this was when I looked on the task I was confused at first but when I watched the video I kinda get it.


  1. Kia ora Daphnee

    It’s Renee from the Summer Learning Journey Team, here. Ka pai for your work on this fantastic blog post and creating your own Mondrian inspired artwork. I love your use of colour, in particular how you choose to incorporate non-primary colours in your piece (as Mondrian often just used blue, red and yellow in his artwork) this has made your creation really unique and interesting to look at.

    I found it really interesting watching the videos and learning about Mondrian’s life. He must have been a very brave man to start painting in a way that was so different from how the other artists were creating during his lifetime.

    You’re so right, the SLJ is firstly about, creating, sharing and celebrating learning and creativity! I can see you have been blogging consistently throughout the summer and that is so awesome, Daphnee - you should be really proud of yourself.

    Did you enjoy this activity? Which SLJ activities have been your favourite so far?

    Ngā mihi nui and keep up the awesome blogging - you have an incredible positive attitude and are consistently producing really brilliant blog posts.

    Renee (SLJ)

    1. Hello Renee!
      That is really nice to hear that you have loved my Modarian Art. I actually did not knew that you were only supposed to use Blue, Red, and Yellow.

      Daphnee Faith

    2. Mōrena Daphnee

      You definitely did not need to only use blue, red and yellow just because Mondrian did :). In fact - I actually prefer your art with lots of colours it's far more interesting and modern in my opinion.

      Keep up the excellent mahi!

      Renee (SLJ)

  2. Ka pai Daphnee. I love your design. I think the colours you have chosen work really well together. What inspired you to use these colours?

    Did you think about doing the step it up activity to work out the area of each colour? I predict dark blue would cover the largest area but they all look fairly even. What do you think?

  3. Hi Fiona!
    Thats so awesome that a lot of people love my Modarian Art, even though I was only supposed to use 3 colours. It's so nice to hear that you would like to put it in your wall, I think it will look good.

    Daphnee Faith


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