Wednesday, December 23, 2020

SMJ: Kau me te Ra

 Kia Ora!

This task to me too long to get it, and when I loo at the slides I was shocked, the words are Maori and I don't know how to read in Maori. I went to translate and translate all the words in Maori to English.

This was fun to do, but tricky too.

Here it is:

Maui Fells happy to get the sun slower.

He was confused why the sun was slower,

that they won’t be able to do things.

He found out that the sun was the one making it faster.

So he asked his brothers to help him,

to collect flaxs to stop the sun making it faster.

They started making ropes. When they finished,

they sneakily went to the sun, while it was still sleeping.

Once the sun came up, they threw the ropes on the sun.

They told him to stop going fast, so they can do more

things in day time. Maui felt happy that the days are



  1. Mōrena Daphnee,

    It’s Charlotte again, a commenter for the Manaiakalani Summer Learning Journey. You have done an awesome job on the ‘Māui me te Rā’ task!

    I thought it was very cool that the task was written completely in Māori, as it gave me the chance to practice speaking/reading it! Do you know any other languages besides English? Is there any language you want to learn?

    I notice that you said this task was quite tricky, was this because it was written in Māori? What were some of the other challenges you had to face when doing this activity? What did you do to move past those challenges?

    Meri Kirihimete for tomorrow!

    Ngā mihi nui
    Summer Learning Journey

    1. Hi Charlotte!
      I do speak 2 language Filipino and English. I know a little bit of Spanish, because last time, I posted a site called Dualingo, it's a site where it teach you how to speak from other countries.

      Daphnee Faith

    2. Kia Ora Daphnee,

      That is very cool! What is your favourite language to speak?
      I have also used Dualingo before and have found it very helpful! I was trying to learn Dutch because that it the language that is spoken in the country I am from!

      Ngā mihi nui
      Summer Learning Journey


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